SmartJAIL - Inmate Incarceration Period Tracking and Management Software

April 29, 2019

SmartCOP’s SmartJAIL tracks and manages all aspects of an inmate’s incarceration period. With automated features and complete integration to SmartRMS, Corrections Officers have instant access to the detailed history of an offender, allowing them to make informed decisions for a safe and secure environment.

Each module is designed to be efficient and intuitive to use, making it a perfect fit for even the largest jails. Highly configurable, SmartJAIL can be adapted to fit the unique needs of your jail while still maintaining compliance to accreditation standards and industry best practices. Similar to our SmartRMS software, SmartJAIL also uses software modules to best configure our software to your agency’s needs.

Features available through Software Modules:

  • Head Count Module - The Head Count module tracks the number of inmates booked into the facility, inmates present, and inmates checked out for specific periods. In addition, the Head Count module allows an agency to capture inmate head counts for specific periods of time. A multiple person method of count approval can also be enabled in the module.
  • Booking - This module, used by Jail Staff, tracks the booking and releasing of inmates. Physical details, intelligence information, and mug shots for the booking record are pulled from the Master Name Index (MNI). Arrest Information can be imported from the Arrest/Charging Reports application to populate the cases, charges, and bond information. Jail Booking records also contains medical screening information, inmate property item information, classification information, and events involving the inmate. This module can be configured to also track things like Good Conduct Time, extradition, transfer, and furlough to name a few.
  • Configuration - Lists and options created in Configuration are used in other SmartJAIL applications to track inmate cell/bed assignments, identify inmates with special dietary or other requirements, track inmate movements to and from their points of incarceration, track the vehicles used in inmate movement, and identify storage locations for inmates’ personal property. Within Jail Configuration, users can create custom lists to enable gain time calculation in Jail Booking and relevant bond and court information. For example, using the court configuration option, you can create a record for a specific court, its’ address, phone and fax numbers. This court can then be designated as the court destination on a move record in Jail Booking.

Other Modules include: Move, Visit, Incident, Discipline, Log, Supervisor Log, Medical, Reports, NCIC Queries, Inmate Programs, Work Release, and LNYX Cellwatch that electronically records inmate checks and watches using RFID technology. 

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